Operational since 1999, Hare Hill is one of Scotland’s oldest Windfarms. With appropriate maintenance, Hare Hill Windfarm can continue to operate for the foreseeable future.

13.2Location – Hare Hill Windfarm is located near New Cumnock in East Ayrshire.
No. Turbines – 20
Operating Capacity – 13.2 megawatts
Operational since 1999, Hare Hill is one of Scotland’s oldest Windfarms. With appropriate maintenance, Hare Hill Windfarm can continue to operate for the foreseeable future. SPR now propose to extend the operational life of Hare Hill Windfarm in order to align its decommissioning and site restoration with that of Hare Hill Windfarm Extension, which is anticipated to occur in 2041.
It is not our intention to make any physical changes to the windfarm as a result of the life extension proposal. The same turbines will remain in place and there will be no requirement for construction on site or additional vehicles on local roads.
SPR submitted parallel Section 42 planning applications in December 2018 to Dumfries & Galloway and East Ayrshire Council, seeking an amendment to a condition of the original planning consent that permits the operation of the windfarm until 2022. The applications seek an extension of the operational life of the windfarm until 2041.
The project team can be contacted directly by emailing harehillwindfarmle@scottishpower.com
Hare Hill Windfarm Project |
Location | Hare Hill Windfarm is located near New Cumnock in East Ayrshire |
Stage | Operational |
No. Turbines | 20 turbines |
Operating Capacity | Up to 13.2 MW |