Non-Material Change Application to East Anglia THREE
In August 2021 East Anglia THREE Limited submitted an application for a non-material change to its planning consent, to amend the parameters of its offshore wind turbines (WTGs). A consultation on the proposals ran from 2 September to 22 October 2021. The outcome of the consultation will be published following submission of the Consultation Report and determination by BEIS. Below is a summary of the proposed changes.
The application follows ScottishPower Renewables’ announcement that it is taking forward three East Anglia (EA) projects: EA ONE North; EA TWO and EA THREE as a single delivery programme known as the East Anglia Hub (EA Hub), and a previous non-material change to amend the parameters of its offshore substation and wind turbines which was consented by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) in April 2021.
The EA Hub concept will increase efficiencies and could deliver multiple and wide-reaching benefits such as reduced construction timescales, sustained contracting opportunities for the supply chain and a reduction in the cost of renewable energy.
To realise the benefits of this concept, elements of the EA THREE design envelope need to be amended to more closely align with the wider EA Hub developments.
The amendments relate to parameters under both the Development Consent Order (DCO) and the Deemed Marine Licence (DML), therefore separate applications will be made to BEIS and the Marine Management Organisation (MMO).
Proposed Changes
The changes to the WTGs’ parameters subject to the non-material change are:
- the removal of the stated gross electrical output capacity;
- a reduction in the maximum number of WTGs from 121 to 100;
- an increase in the maximum tip height of the WTGs from 262m to 282m (relative to Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT));
- an increase in the maximum rotor diameter from 230m to 250m.
Further information
More detail is available in the East Anglia THREE Non-Material Supporting Statement, which is available to download below.
- East Anglia THREE Non-Material Supporting Statement (opens in a new window)
- Regulation 7 Letter Request for Consent to Consultation Proposals (opens in a new window)
- Draft Amendment Order (opens in a new window)
- EA3 Offshore Windfarm Order 2017 with Track Changes (opens in a new window)
- Regulation 6 Notice of Application (opens in a new window)
Please contact the Stakeholder Team on for more information.