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Application Submitted for Carland Cross Windfarm Repowering


ScottishPower Renewables (SPR) has submitted a Planning Application for the redevelopment and repowering of the existing Carland Cross windfarm south east of Newquay.

Commissioned in 1992, the existing site is now one of the oldest windfarms in the UK, with its 15 turbines providing an installed capacity of 6MW of clean green electricity.

Having completed a full Environmental Impact Assessment over the past year, SPR plans to reduce the number of turbines on the windfarm to ten, while increasing the installed capacity to 20MW, enough clean green energy to power the equivalent of over 11,000 households.

The proposed turbines for the repowering of Carland Cross Windfarm will have a tip height of 100m.

The new design has been compiled in full consultation with key stakeholders to minimise landscape and visual effects while minimising risks to birds, and other wildlife.

Public information days detailing the development are being held at the following locations, with members of the project team on hand to answer any questions:

The venues and times are:

St Newlyn East Village Hall                 Tuesday         18th Nov 2008 5-7pm
The Oxnan room, St. Newlyn East       Wednesday    19th Nov 2008 4-8pm

David Walker, Project Director said: “ScottishPower Renewables is delighted that the planning application has now been submitted and we hope that Carland Cross’ association with renewable energy continues for many years to come.

"We hope to see as many members of the community as possible at our upcoming information days and look forward to discussing our planning application.”


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