The new onshore substation is located in Burstall, near Bramford.
The substation building is complete, with commissioning activities and testing underway. The key components, including Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS), shunt reactors, statcoms and transformers are all installed.
The GIS, which is effectively a big “on and off” switch, will receive the power from the offshore windfarm. The shunt reactors and statcoms will control and smooth the electricity and the transformers will convert the power from 220kV up to 400kV to make it suitable for transfer to the existing Bramford substation and across the grid network.
We have installed the EA ONE cables and have completed approximately 60% of reinstatement works along the 37km onshore cable route.
Reinstatement includes removing our temporary stone haul road, replacing the stockpiled earth and removing the fencing which marks the boundary of our construction site. We will also resurface roads in the locations where our cable route goes under the public highway. For further updates on these locations and the traffic management required during resurfacing, please see our Road and Public Right of Way closures page.
We will return to plant replacement hedgerows and trees and have committed to providing two trees for every one tree removed.
First power from East Anglia ONE was generated in 2019 and the windfarm is expected to be fully operational in 2020.