![Julie Richmond](/userfiles/image/Julie%20Richmondjpg.jpg)
Julie Richmond
Senior Electrical Engineer within the Grid Integration and Control UK Technical Services Team
What is your role in SPR?
Senior Electrical Engineer within the Grid Integration & Control UK Technical Services team. We are responsible for ensuring that all our sites meet the requirements of the legislation that all generators must follow to be connected to the electricity network and trying to resolve any challenges that arise with our sites. We get involved in all areas of SPR projects and I enjoy the variety of problems we must deal with.
What is the biggest difference you noticed between work and university in terms of engineering?
I have found that the biggest difference is how you apply the knowledge you learned at university. Being able to see where you can use the skills you learned within a real-world situation and actually being able to understand complex engineering problems gives you a real sense of accomplishment. However, it’s always good to hold onto your notes for those times where you think “I’m sure I learned this at uni…”
What challenges have you come across in your career?
Sometimes I have found it difficult to speak up and make my voice heard particularly within such a male dominated environment. However, as I gain experience and become more confident about my skills and knowledge, I have found that it’s easier to hold my own and get my point across.
What inspired you to become an Engineer?
I’ve always enjoyed problem solving and found I was good at maths and science at school. I wanted to career that would allow me to use these skills creatively but also make positive changes in the world. When I applied for Electrical Engineering at university, I didn’t know what to expect but have found that that engineering, and the energy industry has led me to a challenging but exciting career.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Don’t pay attention to stereotypes and just follow your passions. You will be a great engineer if you believe in yourself and put in the hard work.