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Audio Transcript: Investing in Dumfries and Galloway

The text below is the transcript from the Investing in Dumfries and Galloway video

Lindsay McQuade - I'm proud of the relationship that we have with Dumfries and Galloway through positive engagement with community stakeholders and the local supply chain we've been investing in the region for over 15 years.

Looking ahead to our future plans I look forward to furthering those relationships and creating a legacy for future generations to come.

Shaun Farish - Hello my name is Sean Farish I want from McDermott Supply Company in Dumfries we have been supplying engineering consumables to ScottishPower Renewables since 2013 their onshore wind farms have generated significant income for us and our local community this is enabled us to increase staff numbers and continue to grow as a business.

Adam - Hi this is Adam I'm a geotechnical engineer for natural power. I've been working with natural power for six years and the company has grown a lot over this time.

Fraser Dykes - I'm Fraser Dykes managing director of AMD contract services limited based in Dumfries South West Scotland. AMD is a heavy plant hire contractor covering all of Scotland and the North of England over the past 20 years AMD have worked with numerous onshore wind farm projects with ScottishPower Renewables over this period AMD have growing from a three-man business to employ 90 people today.

Ross Gemmil- Hi I'm Ross Gemmil one of the Southern Upland Way Rangers ScottishPower Renewables is now one of our major funders and contributes towards the employment of two western southern Upland Bay Rangers this helps protect the long-term future of the route. As well as its maintenance, promotion and all community involvement activities.

Tom Henry -Hi I'm Tom I'm one of the countryside ranges from Southern Upland Way because of funding from ScottishPower Renewables me and my colleague Ross are able to do this job it allows us to work with school groups to run outdoor education sessions to work with volunteer groups to work with local communities to improve the region in their area and to support the local businesses along the route.

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