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Black Law BESS


Black Law BESS is within the boundary of Black Law Extension Wind Farm, which is an existing wind farm in North Lanarkshire.

Current Stage

An application for Section 36 Consent under the Electricity Act 1989 is being prepared for a proposed Battery Energy Storage Scheme (BESS) with a proposed capacity of up to 100 Megawatts (MW). The application will be submitted to the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit in December 2020.

Project History

ScottishPower Renewables aims to install 1.5GW of energy storage technology by 2030; as we install more renewable generation on the network, we need to ensure that we can keep the electricity grid stable and secure during periods where the energy produced by renewable sources doesn’t match the demand.

The original Black Law Windfarm (Black Law 1) has been operational since 2006, generating up to 124MW of renewable electricity using 54 turbines. An extension to the site (Black Law Extension) was completed in 2017, adding a further potential 63MW across 34 turbines. By co-locating this BESS at an existing wind farm site, we can take advantage of existing infrastructure, ensure that our generation is as efficient as possible, and maximise the amount of clean, renewable electricity available on the Grid.

A screening opinion was provided by the Scottish Government in November 2020, and the application does not require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).


Early consultation is key to the way SPR develops projects, and throughout the process SPR ensure local communities and stakeholders are given the opportunity to provide feedback and are kept informed of project progress. Discussion with Community Councils local to the project is ongoing.


You can contact the project team by emailing

Project Documents

Please click on the links below to view documents associated with Black Law BESS.

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