How many wind turbines are proposed?
Up to 13 wind turbines, with a maximum height to blade tip of 200m and capable of generating around 86 megawatts of clean, green energy.
Why are the proposed wind turbines 200m height to blade tip?
- Reduces Levelised Cost of Energy – greater efficiency.
- Taller, more efficient turbines mean we can generate more power with fewer wind turbines. The net effect is less new structures needed in the landscape.
- The development would make an important contribution to renewables targets (e.g. 50% of all energy consumption in Scotland from renewable sources by 2030).
What will the windfarm look like from my property?
As part of the online Public Information Event held in 2020, we presented photomontages of what the Proposed Development could look like from a number of selected key viewpoints surrounding the Site Boundary. Unfortunately, due to it being an online consultation, we were unable to show the views from all possible locations during the event. What we were able to do however was present views from key viewpoints and, in addition, produced views in wirelines (i.e. not photographic images of the windfarm) in response to residents’ requests. If you did not manage to contact us during the event and would like to see what the Proposed Development could look like from a specific location, please contact us via email at
A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, and Residential Visual Amenity Assessment is presented in the Environmental Impact Assessment Report, which can be found in the Documents section.
How long is the construction period and when is it likely to commence?
If the Proposed Development receives consent, construction would likely commence around 2024. This is dependent on timescales for the application to be processed by the Scottish Government and other factors. The construction period is anticipated to be approximately 22 months.
How close are the nearest settlements?
The main settlement closest to the Proposed Development is considered to be Straiton, located 6km north.
Other small-scale communities and settlements are located in proximity to the Site Boundary which include:
- Kilkerran located 5.3km north west.
- Craig located 3.7km north.
- Cloyntie located 6.1km north.
- Roan of Craigoch located 6.6km north west.
- Dailly located 7.2km west.
- Crosshill 7.2km north west.
- Barr 7.6km south west.
How will construction traffic and turbine deliveries access the Site?
Options for construction traffic and wind turbine deliveries are still being assessed for the Site. However, it is proposed that wind turbine components are delivered to Glasgow King George V Dock after which they would follow part of the delivery routes previously used for Arecleoch and Kilgallioch Windfarms, principally via Kings Inch Drive, M8, M74/M6, A75, U52W, A714 and the C46W to the proposed site access junction.
Options being considered for construction vehicle and turbine delivery vehicle access are illustrated below:

View a larger version of the map above

View a larger version of the map above
Prior to construction, a Traffic Management Plan will be compiled and agreed with the relevant authorities, this will include specific mitigation measures for delivery of abnormal loads such as timing of deliveries outside peak flow hours, and police escorts where necessary. Once the windfarm is operational, impacts relating to traffic and transport would be minimal.
Will there be any potential impacts on private water supplies in the area?
A survey of private water supplies identified within 5 km of the Site has been carried out. In order to determine if there could be potential pollutant-source-pathway-receptor relationships, the supply locations were considered based on their position relative to the Site and on the potential for the Proposed Development to affect the supplies.
The assessment has been undertaken assuming that good practice mitigation measures will be implemented on Site, during construction and operation.
Private water supplies have been assessed as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment and will be presented within the Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
How would the windfarm connect to the grid?
The grid connection would be subject to a separate design and consent process undertaken by National Grid and ScottishPower Energy Networks (SPEN are a separate, regulated part of ScottishPower Group and not part of SPR).
It is however proposed to connect the windfarm into the existing overhead line which runs through the Site and there is therefore no need for a new overhead line or associated infrastructure in relation to this.
There are already a number of windfarms in South Ayrshire, and more in the planning system, have you considered this?
The Environmental Impact Assessment legislation requires a cumulative assessment of the proposal in combination with other proposed, consented and operational windfarms in the area. As such, the cumulative effects of the proposal have been thoroughly assessed with measures implemented to reduce, prevent and offset any significant effects. Such cumulative assessments inform the decision-making authority of the acceptability of the proposal within the context of the area.
Good planning will continue to play a vital part in ensuring that windfarms are sited correctly in order to maximise their efficiency and protect communities and the environment from unacceptable development.
Why do windfarms get paid to switch off?
To ensure the secure operation of the electricity system, National Grid can take over a thousand separate actions each day to balance supply (Generators) and demand (Customers/ Users) across the electricity grid network. This includes instructing generators to alter their output. This is how National Grid operated and controlled its electricity network even before windfarms were connected to the grid. National Grid is obligated by Ofgem to ensure that it balances the supply and demand on its networks in the most effective way.
Why do we need more renewables?
The deployment of renewable technologies, including onshore wind, continues to grow and more will be required to achieve the UK’s Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions targets; in the first quarter of 2020, 14.8% of the electricity generated in the UK came from onshore wind, compared to 11.3% at the start of 2019.
The National Infrastructure Commission highlighted earlier this year that renewables are now the cheapest form of electricity generation due to dramatic cost reductions in recent years.
How does the electricity generation mix impact electricity bills?
There are many factors which affect the price of a consumer’s electricity bill such as the wholesale costs of energy (including fossil fuel costs), costs to maintain and operate the network, costs of government support and other operational costs. Given the significant reductions in cost experienced in the wind sector to date, future deployment of wind could provide significant benefits to electricity consumers.
You may be interested in the following reports for further information:
Ofgem, the market regulator, who ensure that consumers get a fair deal on their energy have online resources which may help to further explain how bills are calculated.
What opportunities do the co-location of energy storage technology (i.e. battery) provide?
- By storing and redistributing energy quickly, in response to when that energy is needed, storage helps stabilise the grid network.
- It makes grid networks more resilient, efficient, and cleaner than ever before by supporting the greater integration of renewable energy generation.
- It can be used during emergencies like power outages during storms, or equipment failures.
- It makes sense to co-locate this technology with a windfarm as this offers the opportunity to share the grid connection.