This page provides updates and information on activity for the East Anglia THREE project.
Using a mix of news updates and an interactive map, our aim is to provide clear information on the progress of this project throughout the pre-enabling and construction phase.
Project Activity Map
The East Anglia THREE Project Activity map below provides information on elements of the project and where location specific pre-enabling and construction activity is taking place. You can change your view of the map and the elements of the project that are shown by zooming in and out and selecting different layers. By clicking on the dot icons, you can see information on specific enabling and construction activity by date and time, and type of work. To help you navigate the map, we have provided both a written guide and a video guide, links to which are provided below:
Activity Schedule
The table below lists current and planned pre-enabling and construction works. It also provides information on works that cannot be displayed on the above map as they are not location specific. Please note these are indicative dates and subject to change.
Location | Type Of Work | Description | Start Date | Status |
Convertor station, Bramford | Installation of electrical equipment | Consent has been granted for Sunday working within the converter building from 0700 to 1600 on 23 March.Consent has also been given for extended hours Monday to Saturday, until 26 April 2025. The additional hours will allow for safer working on site and reduce the frequency of vehicles per hour on Bullen Lane. All work between 1900 and 2200 will take place within the converter hall.Work on the converter station is expected to conclude at the end of 2025/early 2026. | 9 Feb 2025 | Consented |
Onshore cable route | Fence installation | Temporary fencing of the working area. | Spring 2024 | Ongoing |
Onshore cable route | Access and track installation | Installation of temporary access points off the highway and track matting to the working area. | Spring 2024 | Ongoing |
Onshore cable route | Duct inspections | A proving pig will be used to clear any dirt or water from the pre-installed ducts. The process will involve digging down to the duct and pulling the 'pig' through the pipeline to a receiving station. The pig is monitored for obstructions and is removed after being pulled though the duct by a winch. | Autumn 2024 | Ongoing |
Onshore cable route | Jointing bay construction | Construction of jointing bays for the East Anglia Three cable sections. Contractors will dig down to the pre-installed cable ducts and construct a new jointing bay. Once in place, the bays will enable the cable sections to be pulled through the ducts from one jointing bay location to the next. | Ongoing | Ongoing |
Get in Touch
If you have any questions you can get in touch with our stakeholder team on the below email address.
Register below to receive email updates on the project and local activity as it takes place.
For information on other development projects in the area please visit the websites listed below: