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East Anglia TWO And ONE North Project Activity

This page provides updates and information on activity for the East Anglia TWO and ONE North projects.

Using a mix of news updates and an interactive map, our aim is to provide clear information on the progress of these projects throughout the pre-enabling and construction phase.

Project Activity Map

The East Anglia TWO and ONE North Project Activity map below provides information on elements of the project and where location specific pre-enabling and construction activity is taking place. You can change your view of the map and the elements of the project that are shown by zooming in and out and selecting different layers. By clicking on the dot icons, you can see information on specific enabling and construction activity by date and time, and type of work. To help you navigate the map, we have provided both a written guide and a video guide, links to which are provided below:

Activity Schedule

The table below lists current and planned pre-enabling and construction works.  It also provides information on works that cannot be displayed on the above map as they are not location specific. Please note these are indicative dates and subject to change. 

Type Of Work
Start Date
End Date
Non-intrusive surveys at landfall.25th September 2023Ongoing
Cable route and substation areaEcological mitigation Ecological mitigation and compensation habitat creation with ongoing management throughout the course of the project.July 2024Ongoing
Cable route and substation areaArchaeology investigationsArchaeology investigations on private land starting near substation site.October 2024Ongoing
Hundred RiverBorehole Ground Investigations
Ground investigation works comprising of digging four 1.2m inspection pits, followed by drilling holes into the ground. This is required in order to characterise ground conditions that will help to inform the detailed design of the cable
20th January 202417th February 2024

Get in Touch

If you have any questions you can get in touch with our stakeholder team on the below email addresses.

Register below to receive email updates on the project and local activity as it takes place.

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