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Hare Hill Windfarm Repowering



Located on the border of East Ayrshire and Dumfries and Galloway, Hare Hill windfarm and Hare Hill Extension sit southeast of New Cumnock, East Ayrshire.   

Current Stage

ScottishPower Renewables (UK) Limited, (SPR) is developing Hare Hill Repower and has submitted a request for Pre-Application and Environmental Assessment (EIA) Scoping advice to the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit. Copies of the submitted documentation can be found in the ‘Documents’ section of this webpage.

Project History

Currently, Hare Hill and Hare Hill Extension have a combined total of 55 turbines, generating a combined 43.2MW across the two sites. The proposed development  will consist of fewer wind turbines,  approximately 25, with blade tip heights of up to 200 metres and the potential to deliver over 150MW megawatts - enough to power the equivalent of 80,000 homes (1).

In September 2023, ScottishPower Renewables applied for planning permission to install a Meteorological Mast at Hare Hill. The mast will be used to gather data on wind conditions and other environmental factors. SPR have also undertaken a considerable number of surveys to establish the environmental baseline data for the site. This information has helped to inform the design and development of the current proposed layout. 

Community Consultation

Early consultation is key to the way SPR develops projects, and throughout the development process SPR seek to ensure local communities and stakeholders are given the opportunity to provide feedback and are kept informed of project progress.

We hosted a Public Information Event in April 2024 at the Miners Memorial Hall in Kirkconnel and the New Cumnock Town Hall, welcoming local residents who came along to share their thoughts, provide feedback and better understand our vision for the development. SPR hosted additional Public Information Events in these venues in September 2024.

Consultation feedback combined with findings from environmental surveys and technical studies is vital in shaping the design of the proposed development ahead of submitting an application to the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit.

You can also contact the project team at any time via the project mailbox address noted in the "Contact" section below.


As a responsible developer and operator of renewable energy, ScottishPower Renewables (SPR) believes the benefits of our projects should be shared with the communities in which we work.  

During the operation of our onshore renewable energy developments, we create and support community benefit funds, empowering communities to control how this money is spent to best serve the needs of their local area. To date, SPR’s operational onshore windfarms have contributed almost £60 million to communities across the United Kingdom. Over £13.9 million of community benefit has been used to support valuable community led initiatives and projects in Dumfries and Galloway. In excess of £11.2 million has been invested into communities in East Ayrshire. Repowering Hare Hill Windfarm and Hare Hill Extension will further increase community benefit funds available to neighbouring communities within Dumfries and Galloway and East Ayrshire.

Community benefit funds have led to the delivery of a diverse range of projects, which include environmental improvements, educational programmes, heritage projects, the purchase of community transport vehicles, provision of life saving defibrillators, investment in energy efficiency measures within community buildings, and much more besides. Read more about how we engage with our communities here: Powering Communities.


The Project Team can be contacted directly by emailing:

Or by post at:

FAO: Hare Hill Windfarm Repower Project Team

ScottishPower Renewables

9th Floor ScottishPower Headquarters

320 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5AD

  1. Source: BEIS annual onshore wind capacity factor (2021), published March 2022)), UK average household electricity consumption (BEIS; Sub-National Electricity and Gas Consumption Statistics, Dec 2021)

Project Documents

Please click on the links below to view the Hare Hill Repower application documents.

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