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Cultural Heritage

We have

Undertaken a desk-based review to identify all known heritage assets within the Site, also all heritage assets in the vicinity of the Site that may be affected by a change within their setting.

We found

There are no World Heritage Sites, Scheduled Monuments, Registered Parks and Gardens or Registered Battlefields within 1km of the Site.

Several such assets are present within the vicinity (500m) of the Site, including one scheduled monument and several listed buildings:

  • Knighton Grange: Grade II - Listed Building;

  • Church of St Michael and All Angels: Grade II - Listed Building;

  • Shropshire Union Canal: Grade II - Listed Building; and

  • A further five Grade II - Listed Buildings.

What we propose to do

SPR has reviewed the design of the Proposed Development in order to minimise any harm that could be caused to designated heritage assets as a result of the change within their setting caused by the construction and operation of the Proposed Development.

If archaeological remains are discovered within the Site, SPR will ensure that these are appropriately preserved.

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