Our understanding of the ground conditions and surface water network has informed the site design and layout. We want to ensure that the potential effects of the Proposed Development on hydrology and related habitats and species are considered holistically, and that negative impacts on ground and surface water are minimised.
We have
We found
The Knighton Reservoir is located immediately west of the Site. The reservoir is currently used to store water for public, agricultural and industrial uses. The Shropshire Union Canal Main Line is located approximately 400m south of the Site.
Wagos Brook is located directly west of the Site and Lonco Brook is located approximately 150m east of the Site. The Site falls outside of any areas of river and surface flooding. However, areas of Flood Zone 2 and Flood Zone 3 surround Knighton Reservoir, Wagos Brook and Lonco Brook.
Several waterbodies exist immediately adjacent to and within 2km of the Site. Source protection Zones (SPZs)are also located within 2km of the Site, with the closet SPZs being 120m west.
The Proposed Development is located on agricultural land, the majority of which consists of Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) Grade 3 (good to moderate quality). There are no Regional Important Geological Sites, Historic Landfill Sites or active mines and quarries within 2km of the Site.
What we propose to do
Watercourse layout and runoff patterns have been considered during the design of the Proposed Development, and watercourses have been avoided as far as reasonably possible. As part of the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), it’s likely that a Pollution Prevention Plan will be adopted to prevent the likelihood of adverse impact.
Although agricultural land within the Site Boundary will be taken out of agricultural production for the duration of construction and the anticipated operational lifetime of the Proposed Development, this will not be a permanent or irreversible loss. Upon decommissioning, the panels would be removed, and the land would be returned to its former use. Furthermore, the land could be used for pastoral grazing for the entirety of the operational lifetime, as animals (e.g. sheep) would be able to graze freely underneath any panels.
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