We have
Undertaken an assessment of the potential impacts on access, traffic, and the local transport network, in relation to both the construction and the operation of the Proposed Development.
We have also
Undertaken a desk-based review to identify amenities that may be affected by the Proposed Development.
We found
There are three Public Right of Ways (PRoWs) within the Site and multiple exist within 1km of the Site. The three within the Site are as follows:
Above: Map showing existing footpaths (pink) and bridleways (green) through the Site.
What we propose to do
PRoWs across the Site will be maintained in their current location. They will likely be fenced inside the Solar Farm with a hedgerow planted along either boundary to break up views into the solar farm, creating a green corridor through sections of the Site.
A Traffic and Transport Assessment will be included as part of our planning application for the Proposed Development. Preliminary investigation has found that the road network surrounding the Proposed Development had sufficient capacity to support the vehicle and access requirements of the Proposed Development without impacting other traffic flows.
Protecting Road Users and Residents during Construction
To minimise the impact on local residents and other road users from increased traffic during construction, it is likely that a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) will be produced prior to construction. The following practices will be used:
Erection of appropriate temporary signage in the vicinity of the Site warning of construction traffic and warning other users of construction traffic;
Ensuring construction HGVs follow dedicated route from the South; and
Arrangements for road maintenance, wheel washing and road sweeping where necessary.
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