Supporting SPR with Marine Operations
If you are the owner of a fishing or other vessel that is under 500GT who would like to bid for any marine operations work relating to the windfarm, please note that the following minimum criteria will apply:
Fully insured
Experience of operations in the West of Scotland
If over 24m a Load Line Certificate (fishing vessels shall have a Load Line exemption)
Stability Booklet
All vessels should have a Safety Management System in place, please refer to:
Notice to Mariners
Advance notification will be given of offshore survey works associated with vessels being used for MachairWind. These notices will provide details of the location, timings and vessels involved. Further details are provided below.

Engagement with Local Fishers
Our liaison officers – Brown and May Marine – are currently engaging with local fishers on an ongoing basis. Thus far, several fishers from Islay and Jura have pinpointed frequently used seabed areas and ports, as well as vessels operating in the project area. This has assisted us in analysing the area to ensure continuation activity for sea users within the site. We thoroughly appreciate the cooperation of sea users and fishers within Argyll & Bute and look forward to ongoing discussions.