In 2015, the UK government introduced the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (‘the Act’). The term 'Modern Slavery' covers both slavery and human trafficking.
ScottishPower is committed to human and labour rights and to eliminating Modern Slavery that could in anyway be connected to our business. In accordance with the Act, we have published our own Modern Slavery Statement.
It records what we have done in 2023, and what we continue to do, to eliminate the risk of Modern Slavery in connection with our business and supply chain. A copy of ScottishPower’s Modern Slavery Statement, signed by Keith Anderson, ScottishPower CEO, can be accessed below. ScottishPower’s Modern Slavery Statement is approved by the Board of Scottish Power Limited and formally adopted by the Boards of ScottishPower Renewable Energy Limited, Scottish Power Renewables (UK) Limited, ScottishPower Renewables (WODS) Limited, and East Anglia One Limited.

Statement Archive